Dec 26, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

VII. Regulations of Student Organizations

 A. Conditions of Registration

  • Student organizations wishing to register with the TTUHSC El Paso must file an online application with the Office of Student Engagement and Wellness, through Tech Engage. The purposes and activities of the organization shall be lawful and not in conflict with regulations published by the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso.
  • Registered Student Organization (RSO) application shall be submitted electronically through the Tech Engage student organization management platform and shall contain, but not be limited to, the following information:
    • At least six students, four who serve as executive officers. New RSOs may register with at least four students. Students are permitted to hold a Presidency position in no more than two organizations at any given time. Students are permitted to hold any leadership role, including any Presidency, in no more than three organizations at any given time, total. Students seeking an exception can only do so with the permission of the Office of Student Engagement and Wellness and their respective school Office of Student Affairs (OSA). Their OSA will be asked to verify that the student is in good academic standing and has the capacity to take on additional leadership responsibilities. 
    • At least one fulltime faculty or staff member serving as advisor.
      • Advisors are permitted to advise a maximum of two student organizations. While they can serve as a secondary advisor for more, they cannot be primary for more than two.
    • The following contact info for all members listed above:
      • Full name
      • Email address
      • Office location, position, and department of advisor
    • Constitution and bylaws. Constitution and bylaws must include a nondiscrimination, anti-hazing, and Title IX acknowledgement.
    • Student Organization Risk Management Certification.
      • Each RSO executive member is required to complete the Student Organization Risk Management Module before the application can be fully approved. The Risk Management Module can be found on the Forms page of Tech Engage.
    • Advisor Acknowledgement Form.
      • Each RSO advisor is required to complete the Advisor Acknowledgement before the application can be fully approved. The form can be found on the Forms page of Tech Engage.
  • Membership in the organization shall be open to enrolled TTUHSC El Paso students without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, status as a protected veteran, or any other legally protected category, class, or characteristic. Faculty, staff and alumni may hold adjunct memberships in accordance with the organization’s constitution.
  • The organization shall not duplicate the purposes and for functions of a previously registered student organization unless the need for such duplication is substantiated.
  • All funding requests from TTUHSC El Paso controlled sources must be maintained in a TTUHSC El Paso account. Depending on the nature of the expense, the Office of Student Engagement and Wellness or the Student Services Fee Advisory Committee will review the request and allocate funding. For more information on processes, students should refer to the Student Services Fee Advisory Committee Guide to Submitting Appropriation and Funding Requests in Tech Engage.
  • The organization shall show promise of effectively meeting its stated objectives, be free from control by any other organization, and be lawful and peaceful in its activities. If an organization shows non-compliance with policies and processes, they will be at risk of inactivation at the discretion of the Office of Student Engagement and Wellness or subject to conduct proceedings as outline in Part II. Code of Professional and Academic Conduct (Code) of this handbook.
  • The organization shall not use the name of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, logotype, or symbols of TTUHSC El Paso as part of its name, or in its publications. In addition, the organization shall not advertise or promote events or activities in a manner, which suggests sponsorship by TTUHSC El Paso. The organization is permitted to use the word “TTUHSC El Paso Chapter” as part of its name or to use the complete statement “a registered student organization at TTUHSC El Paso.” Requests to use logos or symbols protected by TTUHSC El Paso, Texas Tech University or the Texas Tech University System must be submitted to the Office of Student Engagement and Wellness for approval from the Office of Institutional Advancement.
  • Registration of an organization results from compliance with these regulations; it does not imply TTUHSC El Paso approval of the organization or its activities. The organization shall agree to adhere to the policies, rules, and regulations of TTUHSC El Paso.

B. Faculty of Staff Advisor

Each registered organization must have a TTUHSC El Paso full-time faculty or staff advisor who provides the following support and guidance:

  • available to the officers and members for consultation about the organization’s affairs,
  • attends organization meetings and functions as often as possible,
  • certifies the expenditures of the organization,
  • offers suggestions regarding the operations of the organization,
  • Oversight to the adherence to TTUHSC El Paso regulations and the organization’s constitution and bylaws,
  • Registers and utilizes the Tech Engage platform to support RSO

Advisors are limited to serving as the primary advisor for a maximum of two registered student organizations at any given time. Advisors are permitted to be secondary advisors for additional organizations if requested.

C. Conditions for Maintaining Registration

In order to maintain its registration, a student organization shall comply with the following requirements:

  • The organization shall submit an electronic re-registration form through Tech Engage each academic year. The current president of the organization or designated representative shall file a notification of subsequent changes when they occur and keep rosters up-to-date in the Tech Engage system.
  • The organization shall submit to the TTUHSC El Paso Office of Student Engagement and Wellness for approval, all changes in documents on file in that office relating to the organization, such as revisions in its constitution, changes in its statement of purpose,changes in procedures for handling organization funds, or changes in membership requirements through Tech Engage.
  • The organization shall maintain its funds in accordance with Section A of this part and be in good standing with the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso.
  • The organization shall demonstrate by its activities that it is conducting business to achieve its purpose and mission as stated on the application.
  • The organization shall conduct its affairs in a lawful manner, in accordance with the constitution and bylaws it has on file, and in accordance with applicable Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso regulations and state statutes.
  • The organization shall be responsible for the observance of all applicable TTUHSC El Paso regulations by off-campus individuals or organizations whose appearance on campus is sponsored by the organization.
  • The TTUHSC El Paso Office of Student Services and Student Engagement (SSSE) may withdraw the registration of an organization for non-compliance with University policies and procedures

D. Denial of Registration

No student organization will be officially registered with the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso if the Office of Student Engagement and Wellness determines that the organization’s actions or activities are detrimental to the educational purposes of the University, not in accordance to the Institutional Student Handbook or overlap with an established student organization.

If registration is denied, the designated president and advisor of the applying organization shall be notified of the decision through Tech Engage. The applying organization may make the requested revisions to their application and resubmit via the application process through Tech Engage. If the registration is again denied for any reason, the applying organization may appeal in writing to the Assistant Vice President for Student Services and Student Engagement (SSSE) within five (5) business days from the date of the denial letter. The decision of the Assistant Vice President for SSSE is final.

E. Individual Participation Eligibility in Leadership Roles

Student participation in Registered Student Organization leadership positions requires good academic standing. School-level policies may exist that mandate additional participation restrictions based on academic progress or professionalism concerns. Contact your school Student Affairs office or dean for additional information related to school-level sanctions.

An individual student may hold an officer position in up to three different registered student organizations concurrently, of which no more than two may be president. Written appeals to school-level Student Affairs offices or dean may be made to override this rule under certain circumstances.