Oct 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Student Travel Policy (HSCEP OP 77.08)

 HSCEP OP: 77.08, Student Travel Policy

AUTHORITY: This policy is required by Section 51.950 of the Texas Education Code.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to help minimize the risks of liability connected with motor vehicle travel by TTUHSC El Paso (“University”) faculty, staff and students. This policy regulates any travel undertaken by one or more students presently enrolled at the University to an organized activity or event that is located more than 25 miles from the University or traveling abroad. This operating policy applies to any approved event or activity which is initiated, organized, sponsored and/or funded by the University, is undertaken using a vehicle owned or leased by the University or is a required event or activity by a University registered student organization. Modes of travel by students to events or activities as defined above include:

  1. personally-owned vehicles
  2. commercial vehicles, including but not limited to rental cars, vans, and chartered buses
  3. commercial airlines
  4. use of University-owned vehicle

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed by July 1 of each even-numbered year (ENY) by the Assistant. Vice President of Student Services, Directors of Procurement Services and Parking and Transportation Services, and the Office of General Counsel, with recommendations for revision forwarded to the vice president for academic affairs and the chief financial officer or their designees by August 1.


  1. Generally Applicable Definitions:
    1. Student: A Student is anyone currently enrolled in a TTUHSC El Paso educational program.
    2. Department Sponsor: A department sponsor of a student activity is an academic or administrative unit supporting the planning and/or resources to support associated student travel.
    3. Student Organization: A student organization is an active registered student organization in good standing with the office of Student Services and Student Engagement (SSSE).
    4. Advisor: An advisor is a faculty or full-time staff members selected by a student organization who agrees to volunteer to assist the group. Advisors participate in required trainings and are listed on the registered student organization’s Tech Engage roster.
    5. Authorized Passenger: Any employee, sponsor, student, or prospective student being recruited to participate in specific University program or activity who is listed on travel request. In all such cases, reasonable efforts shall be made by the responsible department to ensure that each participant executes a release and hold harmless agreement.
    6. University-Related Activities: University-related activities are those activities that are consistent with the University’s mission and that are approved by the appropriate administrative unit. This includes activities organized or sponsored by the University, funded by the University, or using vehicles owned or leased by the University. All Registered Student Organization events must be submitted and approved in Tech Engage prior to travel.
  2. To ensure that student travel related activities are within the scope of the University’s mission, and that student safety issues are properly addressed, travel participation under this policy must be approved in advance by an appropriate administrator.
    1. Faculty, staff or registered student organizations requesting authorization for student travel must submit a Student Travel request Authorization Form at least 10 working days in advance of travel or event.
    2. Requirements include;
      1. A list of participants, local address, phone and the names and phone number for emergency contacts.
      2. Name and phone number of responsible University employee who we be available to student at all times for the term of the approved travel.
      3. Copies of drivers licenses for any students operating vehicles.
      4. Completed and signed Travel Release and Indemnification Agreement form for each participant (Attachment A).
      5. Complete and signed Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment forms for each participant (Attachment B).
    3. Faculty, staff or students leading trips should carry emergency contact and authorization for medical treatment forms for the term of the travel.
    4. When student services fees are requested to fund travel an additional approval may be required by the Student Services Fee Advisory Committee.
  3. Travel Using University-Owned, Leased, Rented or Loaned Vehicles:
    1. See HSCEP OP 63.01, TTUHSC El Paso Vehicle Rental and HSCEP OP 63.03 Vehicle Fleet Management Program for information about the authorization, procedures and use of TTUHSC El Paso vehicles or contact TTUHSC El Paso Office of Vehicle Fleet Management.
    2. Because of the risks of personal injury, it is required that only those persons whose names appear on the approved driver’s list be considered or allowed to use University- owned motor vehicles.
  4. Travel by Commercial or Charter Aircraft: All students traveling on official University business or activities will use only those aircraft and aircraft operators that meet the requirements set forth below. The travel regulations contained in the Texas Appropriations Act and other applicable laws will be followed by the University.

    TTUHSC El Paso will only use aircraft and aircraft operators that are flight worthy and are certified and operate under Subchapters F & G, Parts 91, 119, 121, 125 or 135 as applicable in Chapter 1, Federal Aviation Regulations, 14 Code of Federal Regulations (the “C.F.R.”). In addition all aircraft used pursuant to this provision must be piloted, at a minimum, by pilots that are fully qualified and insured in the aircraft being flown, possessing a commercial pilot certificate with instrument rating. Aircraft piloted by TTUHSC El Paso Personnel on official business must follow HSCEP OP 79.03.

  5. Travel Using Personal Vehicles: The University recognizes that individuals occasionally use personal vehicles while engaged in University-related activities on campus and in the local area. Because personal automobile insurance will be looked to first in the event of an accident, all persons who use their personal vehicles while conducting University business should be made aware of the possibility of personal liability related to such use. No University coverage for personal injuries is available to students if they drive their personal vehicles on University-related activities as defined herein above.
  6. Expenses and Reimbursement: Mileage costs related to any significant use of personal vehicles to conduct University-related business unrelated to required academic experiences, (e.g., clinical rotations, clerkships, etc) may be reimbursed to students upon appropriate approval of fund manager. The travel office should be contacted for additional information. All other reimbursement of travel expenses must follow HSCEP OP 79.06.
  7. Use of Personal Vehicles Not Required: No individual shall be required to use a personal vehicle to perform University-related activities, with the exception of travel to and from clinical affiliation sites.
  8. Policy Concerning Student Releases and Medical Authorization: Each student who travels by any form of transportation to participate in a University-related activity, including but not limited to an academically-related field trip, course, competition, contest, or non-academic activity, must, prior to such activity, execute a copy of the Travel Release and Indemnification Agreement (Attachment A) and the Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment (Attachment B) which are attached to this policy.
  9. International Travel by Students: Students traveling abroad for any University-related reason (e.g., conferences, research, competition, community service, mission work, etc.) in any status (i.e. undergraduate, postgraduate, graduate, supported by scholarships, assistantships, institutional, etc.) must abide and complete the required forms through the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Global Health, HSCEP OP 10.29 regarding procedures for Pre-Departure 4.(a), 1; 2 (a-e) and Exit Counseling 5 (1) a-c.

    Students are not permitted to travel to a nation that is subject to a Travel Warning issued by the United States Department of State. To determine if a country is the subject of such a travel advisory, contact the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Global Health (ODIGH) or the U.S. Department of State Office in Washington, DC at 202-647-4000 or through the web at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html/. In the event the Department of State issues a travel advisory to which a student will be traveling, ODIGH will contact the student immediately. If the country has been placed on the Travel Warning list, the student must cancel the trip.

    When an emergency occurs, procedures for Response to Emergencies Abroad will be followed (HSCEP OP 10.29, Attachment B).
  10. Guidelines Concerning Safe Travel Practices:
    1. All student travelers are bound by the TTUHSC El Paso Code of Professional and Academic Conduct.
    2. Each administrative unit approving University-related travel, especially travel that involves students, is encouraged to promulgate guidelines that encourage safe driving and minimize risks of injury during that travel.
    3. Tech Engage is the primary system for requesting approval for official off-campus trips for Registered Student Organizations. The Student Services and Student Engagement Travel Request is the primary means of requesting approval for travel in excess of 25 miles.
    4. Registered student organizations are free to make such off-campus trips as are deemed worthwhile by the membership and sponsors of the organization. Participation in such off- campus trips and activities is at the students’ own risk. If personal injury or accident should occur to students or other persons during such activities, TTUHSC El Paso will assume no responsibility, financial or otherwise.
    5. Departmental sponsors, faculty/staff advisors, and organization officers are urged to take all possible precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of all persons participating in off-campus activities.
    6. There are no official excused class absences for students who participate in off-campus trips sponsored by registered student organizations. Students will be responsible for making their own individual arrangements in advance with instructors for course work missed while participating in an off-campus trip. Each school and/or individual instructors may set their own requirements for course work missed under such circumstances; they must grant students an opportunity to make up all course work missed while participating in an official off-campus trip.
  11. Clery Geography and Reporting Requirements:
    1. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) requires the University to identify all of our reportable geography, which includes qualifying off-campus student activities and travel. Any off-campus activity that meets the following criteria must be reported, regardless if any Clery Act reportable crimes were known to have occurred:
      1. The University must have control over the space used for the student activity/event and/or travel. Control, as defined by the Clery Act, requires that there is a written agreement (no matter how informal) directly between the University and the end provider for use of the space. Some examples of a written agreement include reserving hotel rooms, leasing apartments, leasing or having an agreement for academic space. Even if the agreement is in e-mail form, and there is no charge associated with the agreement, the space may still qualify as Clery reportable.
      2. The controlled space must be used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution’s educational purposes and frequented by students, which requires meeting one of the two criteria:
        1. More than one night
        2. Repeated use if the same location
    2. Questions related to the Clery Act and if the off-campus activity is reportable should be directed to the Safety Services office.