Oct 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Promotion Policies

Normal progression through the WLHSDM curriculum requires that a student demonstrate a satisfactory level of academic performance and professional behavior. Students will be expected to complete the dental school curriculum within four years of the initial date of matriculation, but must be completed within six years without exception.

The curriculum may be extended beyond four years due to considerations by the CAPS for leave of absence or repetition of the academic semester or year, but the curriculum must be completed within six (6) years:

General Policies

  1. The CAPS is not bound by categorical or mathematical assessment of student performance, but rather reviews each student in the context of their academic achievement and any other circumstances that may influence performance. If a student exhibits conduct or behavior inconsistent with that of a respected dental professional, a course or rotation grade of “fail” may be given. Such conduct or behavior that occurs beyond the boundaries of a course or rotation may also be considered by the committee.
  2. Students who are required to repeat an academic year may not take any courses from the subsequent academic year during the period of repetition.
  3. Students who are required to repeat a course may be required to repeat other courses from the same academic semester or year as the course failure.
  4. Students reviewed by the committee will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision with any conditions for continuation in the curriculum.
  5. A final grade in each course or rotation may be derived from the component scores. The evaluation components are defined by the syllabus for each course or rotation.
  6. Course repetition and course remediation, as defined and prescribed above, will not be counted as elective time in satisfying the conditions for graduation.
  7. The completion of the dental school curriculum within the above standards and the approval of overall performance by theCAPS are required for graduation. Beginning in 2025, the WLHSDM Office of Academic Affairs will annually present to the WLHSDM Dean and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso (TTUHSC El Paso) registrar a list of candidates for receipt of the Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree and the Community Health Certificate (CHC) based on the recommendations of the CAPS.

Notification of Students with Satisfactory Progress

All students completing the academic year in good standing will receive written notification of their promotion from the WLHSDM Office of Academic Affairs. The Office of Academic Affairs will assure that CAPS notifies students in writing if they need to meet with the CAPS and assures that CAPS will likewise notify them in writing regarding the outcome of the CAPS deliberations.

Deliberations of the Committee on Academic Performance and Standards

Students who have demonstrated unsatisfactory progress in the curriculum or have received an “unsatisfactory” professionalism evaluation will be subject to the courses of action as previously set forth in this policy. When meeting with a student on an issue related to academic performance, the CAPS may also take into account a prior history of sanctions for misconduct or any “unsatisfactory” professionalism evaluations in making a determination.

At a hearing with the CAPS, the student is expected to discuss their academic performance and to propose a course of action to address the academic deficiencies. Following the hearing with the student, the CAPS will then vote for a course of action. With a quorum present (with or without proxies), the CAPS action will be determined by a majority vote.

The determination and stipulations arising from the actions of the CAPS will be communicated in writing by the chair of the CAPS to the student, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and the Dean. The student may appeal a decision by the CAPS as described below.

Following the final decision, the Offices of Accounting Services, Financial Aid, Registrar, and other pertinent offices of TTUHSC El Paso are to be notified in writing by the Office of Academic Affairs of a decision to dismiss a student, or to require the student to repeat the academic year.

Dismissal and Appeals Policies

A student shall be dismissed if the CAPS determines that the student has not demonstrated satisfactory academic performance (i.e. three or more course failures) or has received a summative “unsatisfactory” professionalism evaluation at the end of the academic year. The student shall be notified in writing of the action of the CAPS.

A student may appeal a decision of the committee. An appeal may only be based on a claim that due process policies and procedures were not followed by the committee.

Dismissal Appeals Procedures

  • A student shall appeal a decision by the CAPS within five (5) business days of notification of the decision by submitting to the dean a written notice of appeal containing a detailed basis for the request.
  • The dean may issue the decision alone or may appoint an appeals committee to determine whether a basis for appeal exists.
  • If the dean appoints an appeals committee, within five (5) business days after its appointment, the appeals committee will be convened to consider the student’s appeal.
    • The student shall notify the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in advance if they are to be accompanied by an attorney or other representative. An attorney or representative may appear only in an advisory capacity and may not address the appeals committee. If the student is to be accompanied by an attorney or representative, the WLHSDM shall be represented by the TTUHSC El Paso Office of General Counsel.
    • If necessary, the appeal hearing may be delayed up to five business days of the scheduled date if needed to allow personnel from the Office of General Counsel to attend.
  • The student may present a statement to the appeals committee relative to the appeal. Collection of additional information to resolve the issue may be pursued.
    • Both the appeals committee and the student may call witnesses relevant to resolution of the appeal.
    • Should information or witnesses be either repetitious or not relevant, the appeals committee shall take action to expedite the proceedings.
    • At the conclusion of the hearing, the appeals committee shall deliberate and forward its recommendation to the dean.
    • If the recommendation is not unanimous, a minority view will be appended.
  • Unless the student has been suspended by the CAPS, they shall remain on the class roll and may continue in the curriculum until the appeal is resolved.
    • After reviewing the appeals committee recommendation (if applicable), the dean will make a final decision.
    • The decision of the dean is final. The student and the chair of the committee will be notified in writing of the final dean’s decision.

Policy Regarding the Integrated National Board Dental Examination (INBDE)

A challenge of the INBDE is required for graduation. An initial attempt at the INBDE must be completed by December 31 of the year preceding graduation. Eligible students who fail to challenge the INBDE by that date will not be allowed to enroll in the final semester of the program until this examination has been completed. Challenge of the INBDE must be documented by the receipt of official scores no later than May 1 of the year of graduation.

Procedure for Amending Committee Policies and Procedures

Procedures for amending policies and procedures of WLHSDM committees are found in the WLHSDM Faculty Bylaws

Challenging Student Grade or Record Dispute

Students have the right to challenge records, grades, and information directly relating to them.

  • In an initial informal meeting, student shall attempt to resolve issue with custodian of challenged grade, information, or record as soon as possible.
  • Students are encouraged to address concerns as close to the awarding of the grade or narrative as possible.
    • If the matter is not addressed within the academic year of the awarded grade or narrative, the student will present a reason for the delay to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, who will decide if the grade/narrative may still be challenged.
    • If the matter includes clinical grades, the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs will also be included in any discussions.
  • If a student proceeds to challenge records, grades, or information directly relating to him or her, they must notify the custodian of the record, grade, or information.
    • The notice must be in writing and specifically identify the item challenged and the basis for the challenge.
    • The custodian must respond in writing to the student within seven (7) working days and forward a copy of the challenge and response to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
  • If the written response is unsatisfactory to the student, a formal hearing will be conducted in accordance with the procedures described below:
    • A hearing will be conducted within five (5) business days following the request for the hearing.
    • The hearing will be conducted by an institutional official (hearing officer) who does not have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing. The appointment of the official or party will be made by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
    • The student will be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to challenging the content of the educational records in order to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student. The hearing also provides an opportunity for correction or deletion of any inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate data contained in the records, and/or for insertion into the records, a written explanation of the student respecting the content of the challenged records.
    • The hearing officer will also confer with the custodian of the grade prior to making a decision. The hearing officer may call other witnesses or seek additional information as warranted.
  • Student remains enrolled and in the curriculum until resolved, UNLESS CAPS suspends the student.
  • The decision of the hearing must be rendered in writing to all involved parties within five (5) business days after the conclusion of the hearing. The decision of the hearing officer is final.