Oct 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Grading Policies

The responsibility for evaluation of students rests with the faculty of the WLHSDM. Faculty have an obligation to the students, to the school, and to the larger society to award passing grades only to those students who have demonstrated knowledge of the course material. While every effort is made to schedule curricular activities from 8-5 Monday thru Friday occasional use of time outside of these hours should be expected. In addition to evaluation of students’ knowledge and skills, the faculty has the obligation to determine whether students’ behavior or conduct is suitable for the practice of dentistry. It is inappropriate to allow a student to progress or graduate when unacceptable behavior or conduct has been demonstrated in the treatment and care of patients and/or in relationships with faculty, staff and peers – even if grades on tests or other forms of evaluation have been satisfactory.

WLHSDM aligns with institutional grading policies. In special circumstances, such as determining prerequisite courses for admission to an undergraduate program, WLHSDM may award academic credit to their undergraduates through special examination only in a course where competency may be practicably determined by such exam. As WLHSDM uses a pass/fail evaluation system, such credit by examination, or pass grade, is not utilized to determine grade-point averages or class standing.

The faculty of the WLHSDM has the responsibility for recommending students for promotion and graduation. This responsibility is administered through the Committee on Academic Performance and Standards that represents the faculty at large. Every attempt will be made to apply principles of fairness and due process when considering actions of the faculty or administration that might adversely affect the students. Regarding these issues, all comments, questions, and concerns should be directed to the Office of Academic Affairs

Students covered by this policy

These grading and promotions policies apply to students enrolled in the courses necessary to complete the requirements for the Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree and the Community Health Certificate (CHC) at the TTUHSC El Paso WLHSDM. These policies do not cover the course work completed for any other degree programs in which the student may be enrolled.

Responsibilities for monitoring of student progress

The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, in conjunction with WLHSDM faculty, is responsible for monitoring the progress of students during their course of study in order to provide or refer students to the appropriate academic or personal counseling services, as applicable. The Office of Academic Affairs will provide staff support to the Committee on Academic Performance and Standards and will maintain permanent minutes of its actions. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs serves as the student advocate for due process.

Responsibilities of the Committee on Academic Performance and Standards (CAPS)

The responsibilities of this Committee will include:

  • Recommending standards for student academic performance;
  • Recommending and implementing policies and procedures for tracking student academic performance; 
  • Recommending standards, policies, and procedures for remediation; and
  • Recommending probation, suspension, dismissal, and readmission of students.

This Committee on Academic Performance and Standards will consist of five (5) faculty members elected by the Faculty. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, the Assistant/Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and the Director of Admissions and Recruitment shall serve as ex officio, non-voting members of the committee.

The Committee shall report to the Faculty but provide updates to the Executive Committee. It shall elect a chair and a vice chair annually from among its members.

Responsibilities of the Dean

The Dean, or their designee serving as the Chief Academic Officer, is responsible for administering the appeals process and rendering final decisions.

Assessing Student Performance

Faculty of the WLHSDM and members of the committee are qualified as professionals to observe and judge all aspects of a student’s academic performance, including didactic, simulation, and clinical skills, interpersonal skills, attitudes and professional behavior, and ability to master the curriculum.

Academic Standing

Definition of Good Standing

Good standing is a designation indicating a student is eligible for promotion, for continued participation in the curriculum, and/or for transfer to another institution. Difficulties in academic performance and/or professional behavior may, but do not automatically, result in revocation of the status of “good standing.” However, the committee will examine all academic and professionalism issues that are brought to its attention and will determine the impact on the academic standing of each student in question. The committee may remove the designation of “good standing” as a disciplinary action.

Remediation and/or Disciplinary Actions

The committee will determine whether any remediation activities or disciplinary action involving academic performance or professional behavior will impact a student’s eligibility to be promoted or to continue in the curriculum. Revocation of “good standing” status becomes effective only after the student has exhausted or forfeited all appeals processes. When the terms of the disciplinary action are satisfied, the committee may restore the status of good standing, with the student remaining on academic watch or academic probation (see below). Remediation is not considered a disciplinary action unless explicitly deemed by the committee.

Academic Watch and Academic Probation

The WLHSDM will use two internal categories, entitled “academic watch” and “academic probation,” to describe the modification of a student’s academic status. Even while maintaining the designation of “good standing,” students with some academic deficiencies may be placed in the status of “academic watch” or “academic probation” by the committee.

A. Academic Watch: Indicates that a student is at risk of not meeting the requirements for promotion as a result of poor academic performance and/or breaches of professional behavior.

Academic Watch: This is the status of a student who:

  • Has a grade of “fail” in any course or course component (unit) requiring remediation after the completion of the course or unit; and/or
  • Is at risk of failing a course; and/or
  • Has an extended leave of absence; and/or
  • Has earned an unsatisfactory professionalism evaluation.

A grade of “incomplete” will be reviewed by the CAPS, who will determine if any change in academic status is necessary.

Students on academic watch will be discouraged from participating in any leadership and/or extracurricular activities, including school sponsored travel.

A student may also be placed on academic watch as a result of substandard professional behavior; failure of a clinical skills summative evaluation/competency examination, twice failure of a capstone exam; or is at risk of failing a curriculum or due to failure of an administrative requirement (e.g., immunization, CPR certification, etc.). The committee will review each case individually and determine if it is necessary to place the student on academic watch.

B. Academic Probation: Indicates that a student’s academic performance may require the student to repeat the entire academic year. Students at this level will be required to resign immediately from any leadership activities, and will not be able to participate in school-sponsored travel and extracurricular activities. This is the status of a student who has:

  • A final grade of “fail” after post-course remediation (i.e., an unsuccessful remediation) in any course;
  • Earned two or more professionalism evaluations of “unsatisfactory.”

The CAPS may recommend the dismissal of a student without the prior designation of academic watch or academic probation.

It should be noted that both academic watch and academic probation are internal designations and will not appear on the transcript or other official document that is shared externally.

Corrective measures instituted by the committee to address issues of academic watch or academic probation may include, but are not limited to:

  • Remediation activities (during or after an individual course);
  • Repetition of a specific course;
  • Repetition of an entire academic year;
  • Dismissal from the WLHSDM.

All remediation activities that are necessary after the completion of the course must be approved by the CAPS. In-course remediation activities will not need the approval of the CAPS but must be recorded within the curriculum tracking program. If any remediation activities are prescribed that involve off-campus activities (such as, but not limited to, clinical rotations, block courses, practicum activities), students will be responsible for all attendant financial costs such as transportation, room and board, enrollment costs, etc.). Additionally, standard tuition and fees are incurred for any courses that are repeated.

Students in the status of academic watch or academic probation who intend to take a leave of absence must meet with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs for advice and direction. For most leaves of absence, students must receive approval of the CAPS prior to the leave and must also receive direction from the CAPS upon their return. The Offices of Academic and Student Affairs may allow a medical leave or a leave for extenuating circumstances within the setting of academic watch or academic probation without the approval of the CAPS, but the CAPS must be informed by the Offices of Academic and Student Affairs. Additionally, the committee may require these students to appear before the committee prior to returning to the WLHSDM.

Removal from Academic Watch or Probation

Students in the status of academic watch or academic probation will remain under the purview of the CAPS until all deficiencies have been corrected or the conditions set by the CAPS have been satisfied, as determined by the CAPS. In its deliberations, the CAPS will always consider the complete academic record and all professionalism evaluations of students presenting to the CAPS.

A student may petition the CAPS to be removed from academic watch or academic probation if they feel that the appropriate levels of academic/clinical performance and/or professionalism have been demonstrated.

Review of Academic Progress

Review of Academic and Professional Progress. During its monthly meetings, the CAPS will carefully review the academic progress of all students to ensure the early identification of those who may be experiencing academic or other difficulties. Assistance will be coordinated through the Offices of Academic and Student Affairs.

Semester Review of Academic and Professional Progress

The CAPS will consider all students each semester, following completion of the semester. During these deliberations, the following determinations will be made:

  1. Students with “pass” grades in all courses and who earn “acceptable” professionalism evaluations - no further discussion is necessary.
  2. Students considered “at risk” will be placed on academic watch at the discretion of the CAPS. This includes students the course director identifies as “at risk” based on academic performance (i.e., low test scores) or those with any “unacceptable” evaluation in professionalism. For such students, specific academic deficiencies will be identified by the course director, and a customized remediation plan will be developed by the course director and reviewed by the CAPS, which may approve or modify the plan.
  3. Students earning “fail” grades will have the following considerations by the committee:
    1. First course failure - academic watch and consideration for either remediation (as recommended by the course director), academic probation, or repeat of the academic year.
    2. Two (2) course failures in the same semester or for the duration of the academic program - consideration for repeating the academic year, or dismissal.
    3. Three (3) or more course failures in the same semester or for the duration of the academic program - consideration for dismissal
    4. Students who receive a grade of “fail” may meet with the committee to discuss their academic performance and possible actions by the committee.

NOTE:  Students must complete a capstone examination at the end of D1 and D2.

Definition of “at risk”

  1. Course director or Assistant Dean of Clinical Education, or Associate Dean of Academic Affairs identifies the at-risk student based on academic performance (e.g., low assessment scores)
  2.  Any “unacceptable” evaluation in professionalism
  3. Recognition by CAPS that student has utilized more than two processes for remediation and reassessment throughout the semester

End of Year Review - After Completion of Spring Semester

The CAPS will consider all students after completion of the capstone at the end of the summer semester for D2 and D3 years.

At this time, the following determinations are made:

                Individualized remediation

                Specialty mentorship

                Resource referral

                Academic watch    


D1, D2, D3 and D4 Students

Non-clinical Assessment

  1. Students must complete a capstone examination after completion of the D1 and D2 academic years.
  2. Students with “pass” grades in all courses and who earn acceptable professionalism evaluations - recommendation for promotion with no further discussion.
  3. At-risk students: If a student is “at risk” as defined above, they will be placed on academic watch and may require additional considerations as shown below.
    • Incomplete (I) or DE on one semester course (DE if it is solely the result of student performance and not caused by other non-academic reasons [e.g., lack of appropriate patients, illness of course director, etc.]) consideration by the committee for academic watch and may require ad.
    • Incomplete (I) or DE on two semester courses (DE if it is solely the result of student performance and not caused by other non-academic reasons [e.g., lack of appropriate patients, illness of course director, etc.]) : consideration by the committee for customized remediation or repeat of the year (if eligible), and placed on academic probation.
    • Course director identifies the student at risk based on academic performance (e.g., low assessment scores);
    • Any “unacceptable” evaluation in professionalism;
    • Student twice scores beyond one standard deviation of the class on a capstone examination at the end of D1 and/or D2 academics (assessed near the end of the D2 summer semester and at the end of the D3 summer semester).
  4. Grades of “fail” - students earning final grades of fail of a single course or comprehensive end-of-year exam will receive the following considerations by the CAPS:

Failure of one course:

  • Placement on academic watch;
  • Individualized remediation; or
  • Consideration for repeat of academic year

Failure of two courses during the duration of the academic program:

  • Placement on academic probation
  • Consideration for repeat of academic year, or dismissal

Failure of three or more courses during the duration of the academic program:

  • Consideration for dismissal

Failure of end-of-year exam or capstone after two attempts:

  • Individualized remediation
  • Resource referral
  • Academic watch or academic probation


-Clinic Assessment

All clinical units or courses at the WLHSDM are pass/fail. Student progress will be reviewed by the CAPS at the completion of each semester in the context of performance in didactic courses, clinical activities, professionalism evaluations, and personal circumstances. Clinic mentors and attending faculty will provide feedback on students’ progress toward competency and clinical requirements in all clinical disciplines. For students who are not making satisfactory progress toward clinical competency and clinical requirements, as determined by their Clinic Mentor and attending faculty, the CAPS may recommend repeating a semester or repeating the academic year, along with an individualized remediation program. The CAPS may place a student on academic watch or probation or alter the status of “good standing” if there are documented concerns regarding professional behavior.

Students Repeating the Academic Year

A student repeating the academic year will automatically be placed on academic probation and will remain in that category for the entire repeat academic year. During the repeat year, their academic progress will be carefully followed and formally reviewed during monthly meetings of the committee.

A student repeating the academic year who earns a grade of “fail” at the completion of a course will be considered for dismissal from the WLHSDM.

For students repeating the academic year, the committee will carefully consider the specific requirements contained in its letter to the student defining what was necessary for successful completion of the repeat year and promotion to the succeeding year.


As previously noted, all post-course remediation activities will be recommended by the course director and reviewed by the CAPS for approval or modification (in conjunction with the course director), implementing after final approval from the Dean.

Students remediating a course or courses after failure must be available for all scheduled remediation activities and may not attend off-campus, school-related activities (e.g., elective clinical rotations, externships, research) until they have successfully completed their required remediation activities.

Transcript Notations

For a course being remediated, a transcript notation of “successfully remediated” or “FA/PA” will be attached to the original grade of “fail” when successful remediation is completed.

If a student repeats an academic year, the transcript will list grades for both courses, with a notation of repeat (RP) attached to the courses from the first attempt and the final grade noted after the course was repeated.

Student Electronic Access to Grades

All grades will be recorded in Banner for each student and will be available in the student’s electronic portfolio. The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso (TTUHSC El Paso) Office of the Registrar maintains the official transcript of all students.