Feb 08, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Accelerated BSN & RN-BSN Tracks

Offer of Admission

Offers of admission will be made approximately 8 to 10 weeks following the application deadline. Applicants are required to respond to the offer of admission by the deadline stated in the letter. Acceptance of the offer is established once the student pays the non-refundable placement fee. Failure to respond by the deadline will result in withdrawal of the offer of admission. Request for deferment must be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Affairs by the deadline stated in the offer letter. If granted, deferment can occur one time and not exceed one semester beyond intended admission. Deferment petitions are reviewed by the Admissions Committee along with new applicants. Deferred students may or may not receive an offer of admission based on review.

Admission Requirements

See GGHSON student catalog for information on admission requirements for respective tracks.

GGHSON Grading Scale

The following scale applies to all courses at the GGHSON.

Total Points Earned in a Course Letter Grade Assigned
90-100 A
80-89 B
75-79 C
74 or below F

Course Grading

A minimum exam average, including the Final Exam and HESI specialty exam (where applicable), of 75% or greater must be earned to pass the course. In courses where additional requirements constitute a weighted portion of the grade, these additional requirements will be calculated as part of the final course grade ONLY if the exam average is 75% or greater. If a student’s exam average is less than 75%, a grade of F is issued for the course.

For courses with a clinical component, the clinical portion is graded on a pass/fail basis. Regardless of scores earned on exams or additional assignments, the student must pass the clinical portion of the course, in order to pass the course. An unsatisfactory or failing clinical performance results in a final course grade of F, regardless of the didactic grade.


Accelerated BSN students are urged to be cautious about working while enrolled because of the fast pace and rigor of the program. While work may provide a way to finance your education and support your household, it can also present insurmountable challenges. You should also think about the impact the demands of a work schedule will create as far as time management and your school obligations.

If you are employed in a health care agency, as a nursing assistant or technician, you should not practice outside the scope of the position’s job description. Part-time work opportunities at the university may be available. If you work for the university, make sure you can balance the job obligations and academic performance.


Consideration for readmission of students who have withdrawn is based on the following criteria:

  • 3.0 cumulative nursing GPA
  • Space available

All petitions for readmission must be submitted in writing to the Office of Students Affairs following the published application deadlines. The Admissions Committee may assign requirements to be met as a condition of readmission, e.g. successful completion of a comprehensive examination, renewed criminal background check and drug screening, etc.


Once admitted, students must meet minimal academic requirements during this program of study. Inability to do so can result in dismissal from the program.

Minimum Academic Requirements

  • Earn a minimum grade of 75 in all required nursing courses.
  • A failure in any nursing course requires review with recommendations from the Admissions and Progressions Committee.

Conditions for Academic Dismissal

  • Two F’s or WF’s earned in nursing courses.

Requesting a Leave of Absence

Students enrolled may request a leave of absence for up to one (1) year. A Leave of Absence form may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs and must be submitted for review as soon as the student identifies the need for an absence longer than five (5) consecutive days or two (2) total clinical days. Failure to file a Leave of Absence will result in an institutionally initiated withdrawal.  Students may only request one (1) leave of absence during their time in the program.  

Returning from a Leave of Absence

Prior to or at the end of one (1) year, a student on an approved leave of absence must file a Return from Leave form. The form can be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs. All petitions for return from a Leave of Absence must be submitted in writing to the Office of Students Affairs following the published application deadlines. The Admissions Committee may assign requirements to be met as a condition of readmission, e.g. successful completion of a comprehensive examination, renewed criminal background check and drug screening, etc. Students who do not re-enroll in the semester following the declared expiration of the leave of absence or for one year must seek readmission. Readmission requirements are listed in the section heading “Readmission”.  

Dropping Courses

Students may only drop a singular course inclusive of the clinical rotation during their time in the program.  Students may not drop the same course more than one (1) time for any reason, including a leave of absence.  

Credit/Course Audit

The Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing allows students to audit courses with prior approval.