Jan 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Health and Safety Services for Students

Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation

Students must immediately report to the FGSBS any incidents and/or injuries incurred on TTUHSC El Paso property. The FGSBS will assist students to respond, document, and report any incidents. Students involved in an off-campus clinical site may need to complete additional forms as required by that facility. The Workers’ Compensation Insurance (WCI) program does not cover students unless they are also TTUHSC El Paso employees.

For more information regarding response procedures please review the HSCEP OP 75.14 - Non-Employee Incident/Injury Procedures & Reporting and Attachment A - Non-Employee Incident/Injury Response Flow Diagram.

Required Immunizations

It is the policy of TTUHSC El Paso to maintain a health program that conforms to the guidelines and recommendations established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), and the 25 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §96 - Bloodborne Pathogen Control, §97 - Communicable Diseases, and §99 - Occupational Diseases. This program is directed toward primary prevention, early detection, and diagnosis of exposure-related illnesses. The program targets those who (1) have contact with patients and/or human body fluids/tissues, (2) work in the Laboratory Animal Resource Centers (LARCs), or (3) work with animals or infectious materials in any laboratory. FGSBS entering students are required to provide proof of the following vaccines, regardless of whether they have had any history of the disease.

  • Hepatitis B
  • Measles (rubeola), Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • Varicella (chickenpox)
  • Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap)
  • Influenza (flue season only)
  • Meningococcal

Immunization requirements are based on regulations, guidelines and recommendations available as of November, 2013 from the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the U.S. Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP). Details of implementation are included in the Infection Control Screening: new employee, student, visitor, Ambulatory Clinic Policy and Procedure EP 7.1. For more information please refer to HSCEP OP 75.11 - Health Surveillance Program for TTUHSC El Paso Institutional Health and Infection Control Program and Attachment A-Health Surveillance Program for Students.

Mandatory Student Health Insurance Requirement

The safety and welfare of students are of primary concern to TTUHSC El Paso; therefore, TUHSC El Paso students are required to maintain minimum value and essential heatlh coverage for each semester enrolled. Health insurance coverage for all students should be either a U.S. employer health insurance plan, Marketplace plans (bronze, silver, gold, platinum plans) or Medicaid/Medicare plan that is compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

  • A health care coverage compliant with the Affordable Care Act accepts preexisting conditions and meets the criteria of minimum value and essential health benefits.
  • Minimum value covers at least 60 percent of the total allowed cost of benefits that are expected to be incurred under the plan.
  • Essential health benefits include hospitalization, ambulatory services, emergency services, maternity, newborn care, mental health and substance abuse treatment, prescription drugs, lab tests, preventive services, pediatric services, rehabilitative, and “habilitative” services.

To ensure compliance the cost of the TTUHSC El Paso-sponsored student health insurance plan will be added to the tuition and fee statement of all students each semester at the time of enrollment. 

  • Students with alternative health coverage (e.g., coverage by a parent, guardian, spouse, or employer) that constitutes minimum value and essential health coverage may submit a waiver request to the appointed health care vendor for review and approval. 

Any student who does not comply with the student health insurance requirement shall be subject to disciplinary action, including canceling the student’s registration, per the TTUHSC El Paso Student Handbook. For further information, please refer to HSCEP OP: 77.22, Mandatory Student Health Insurance Requirement.